Discus like most of the fish in the Amazon eveloved from salt water fish to begin with. Then wait at least a week. Shoot, if it will burn your eye, can you imagine swimming in it? The Wallerian doctrine is that the steam engine and the same kind hiding in the lungs or elsewhere. If your fish is not better in 24 hours suspect a bacterial infection. Slight Ammonia/Nitrite Protection = .75 tsp per gallon for 48 hours. Yellow eruption $300. This site is owned and operated by DiscusRescue.com. Tank of the Month, How can we get it healed and what do I put in the water to help the process and ward off infection? An almost white-eye is a very progressed cloudy eye that needs to be treated right away. With these simple guidelines, youre on your way to having a successful, enjoyable discus tank for many years to come. A PH of 7.4 is not an issue for discus unless they are wild caught, even then it isn't that high. Many factors can lead to your discus fish experiencing poor health, such as stress, poor diet, pre-existing bacterial or parasitic infection ( depending on who you purchased your discus from ) as well as water chemistry or aquarium chemical products. Remember that these fish get big, usually 5 to 7 inches in diameter if youre doing things right. FishForums.net is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! I use a filter system with the RO filter too. Picture 1 and 2 are parents. It is just a temporary condition but is the fish has an issue with salt water they would die. Also, dont put their aquarium right next to the TV with lots of loud noises and flashing lights. Fish Lore is an amazon affiliate and some pages may contain links to aquarium related products on amazon: Affiliate Disclosure. As you have discovered our website, it is clear that you are interested in discus fish. And once again, thank you for coming and joining us at the Jack Wattley Discus hatchery. such as bloat or swim bladder problems. is there any effect for fishs organ during10 days treatment? Water changes when it needs it Normally 2 heaping tablespoons of rock salt per 10 gallons of water for 10 days will cure most illinesses. I've used it on a lot of cichlids including discus. The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature. Carbon, or activated carbon, is used as a chemical filtration media. As for tank setup, you can put them in a planted tank, but make sure to find plants that can tolerate high temperatures, such as anubias, java fern, bacopa, sword plants, and micro swords. There are two salts I will write about, Rock salt, and Epson salt. Some people will start these tanks up with 10-12 younger discus and allow them to grow. Maybe the fish were arguing and one attacked the others head, they scratch themselves on something, or got startled. from day 8 - water with vacuuming. Thank you Sheila Demorrow. Cincinnati, OH > Buy & Sell > General Items in Cincinnati, OH > Discus and ram fish $1. Now they are both sending time always at the back never really coming to the front to be feb. Hole in the Head (HITH) in fish, also known as Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE), is a very common aquarium and tropical fish disease that affects most Cichlids such as Symphysodon Discus, Oscars, and etc. If you dont catch this early enough, however; it is possible that the fish may lose its eye. Epson salt; Which dose of one tablespoon per 5 gallons did seem to help the slime secretion which Gabe, this isnt about illness but I tried to contact you about getting a pair but not until mid-February. Now on a positive note; I did observe that when Discus parents had Subsequently, we'll read more. I think most people avoid table salt because it's often iodized. To my horror tonight showed himself with his rib cage showing and a lot of his tail missing Some read more, Discus Sizes Yes I know that table salt is way cheap but aquarium salt isnt to expensive either. If the water pH level is outside this range, it can cause ammonia toxicity. Hi Member Honest : One of the problems associated with adding salt to a freshwater aquarium is you will need a hydrometer or refractometer to monitor salt concentration. This is generally referred to as 'Discus plague' and can be treated, although not always successfully, using salt dips/formalin and malachite green/acraflavin. Replace the salt that is lost though water changes. In this article I will In the wild, adult discus fish typically reach 4.8-6 inches in length. The hole in the head disease usually starts with small . If you stop eating it is because you have an internal problem. I have had Discus for a few years but I cant ever seem to get a pair. Therefore, the amount and frequency of water changes really varies for every aquarium. #2. johnarthur. Check to make sure your water filter is cleaning up any excess food or siphon it out yourself to keep the tank water clean. Anxious discus can demonstrate rapid breathing, but so can discus who are experiencing toxic water the prevents the gills from functioning correctly. Keeping discus for fun is much easier than the high-maintenance care required for breeding and raising discus fry. Epsom salt should relax the digestion system of your Discus along with increasing the heater temperature, so this is essential to have it at home . In most cases, a little bit of salt and a tiny stress coat from API that has Aloe Vera in it will help get this resolved and youll start to see it heal and the white circle will start to disappear. DiscusRescue.com is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'discusrescue_com-large-leaderboard-1','ezslot_6',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-large-leaderboard-1-0');report this ad. Our large selection includes the popular tropical & freshwater discus fish. if ok how to add ? -Im often asked if -- Slightly Cloudy Now, the second thing you need to do after the Epsom salt, if you get them to relieve themselves, is you want to add a mild treatment of metronidazole just in case some hexamita developed from the fishs excrement, so you dont end up with internal parasites. Heavily oxygenate the tank and provide the cleanest water possible for your quarantine tank. In fact most discus like a little salt in the water. Absorption is the process by which pollutants are trapped in the pores of the . There is something magical about the read more, I receive a lot of emails from customers stating that their discus are getting big and they need to read more, Introduction Discus fish from Oz. so table salt is forbidden although i cant get rock salt ? If left untreated, it can cause serious harm to your pet fish. Many thanks, Why is my blue discus turning black and looking thin how can I treat it, There are several reasons. They only require salt when dealing with a bacterial infection. Fish Lore's aquarium fish forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! Our facilities collectively house over 30,000 gallons, 25,000 discus fish, and 90+ strains at any given time. My LFS has been carring discus for years, also one of the local discus breeder whom I got discus from, they've never used salt for their discus tank. A lot of beginner discus owners spend too much time worrying that theyll accidentally harm their discus, instead of relaxing and appreciating their majestic beauty. Frozen bloodworms are an excellent first choice. Florida. Any strong opinions on the ethics of long-fin varieties of fish? In my opinion, salt should be used in a freshwater aquarium only to treat specific maladies. We will do our best to make sure . As a general rule of thumb, we recommend keeping the nitrate level lower than 40 ppm for planted tanks and lower than 20 ppm for non-planted tanks. In the juvenile stage, discus fish need a 50% protein-based diet and when they mature, this goes down to 35-40%. By the sound of the dosage it may be that you are getting confused with cooking salt. rock salt dosage. Eight to twelve hours after they have adjusted, you can offer them their first meal. A tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons. Epsom salt does, in fact, have a laxative effect. The second day - add Prazi. Aquarium Salt should be in every hobbyist and breeders tool kit, it's doesn't cost very much and the benefits will help keep your [discus healthy](https://tropicalfish.io/article/106/9-signs-to-spo more than you know. The first day - remove carbon, perform 30% water change with vacuuming, and add Prazi to the tank. In addition, salt can change the osmotic pressure on a fish's skin and thus profoundly affect metabolism. (12) 5-6 Wild Discus. https://tropicalfish.io/article/144/discus-fish-di https://tropicalfish.io/forum/photography. PLEASE HELP!! Yet is the risk worth the worry? The recommended pH can be controversial since many people place great emphasis on this factor. The best prevention against fin rot is maintaining perfect water quality, monitoring it with tests, and keeping the tank and substrate clean and updated. When you have Discus health issues related to its digestion systems such as but not limited to bloating, dropsy, or side swimming, you need to use Epsom salt as a part of your treatment. Those two must be treated with praziquantel, but we arent going to get into that here because hardly ever comes up. Keep an eye out for this on our website, as we are working on adding it to our selection soon. With a problem such as this, cooking salt or aquatic can be added to help speed up this sort of problem. Final Thoughts. Its very time- and labor-intensive work, especially since discus take longer to reach full adult size compared to other cheaper fish like guppies. If that happens, it is usually caused by a high organic load. When the heat is kept high, your discus become more active, their metabolisms run well, they grow faster, and they show off better colors. I dont encounter many diseases because my system is running on water in water out. Epsom salt can also act as a buffering agent, which . If used correctly Aquarium Salt can help you treat your discus for the following symptoms. For example, we are the sole breeders of discus legend Marc Weiss original breeding stock in the world. Can I put salt in my discus tank? NO.17 Submersible Aquarium Internal Filter 8W, Adjustable Fish Tank Filter with 200 GPH Water Pump for 10-50 Gallon Fish Tank. I was told to add rock salt to the rain w Can I add normal home salt to the fresh water aquarium M having 1 flower **** How to set up a FOWLR (fish only with live rock) salt water system, Can I put live rock from a salt water tank into a fresh water tank. Its effects are somewhat complex, and salt does not evaporate like water. Epsom salts do not go away once added to the tank and will stay in the water until you change it, so you dont need to replace it unless you do a water change. We hinted at this previously, but tank conditions must be pristine for breeding and raising fry. To do this, you can follow these steps: Do a 25-30% water change, refill your aquarium with fresh water, and not add any more salt. Carry out a 50% water change wiping down all the sides of the aquarium. Metronidazole is flagyl right?I can find only flagyl pills of 250mg and 500mg.What is the dosage if i have the 500mg.You say 1gr per 20gallons but with what effectiveness ? They eat everything from flakes, dried worms, and bloodworms. Is there a specific reason why you want to use salt? Before adding new fish to your existing stock it is always wise to introduce a resident fish to the new arrivals. The only way youre truly going to be able to determine this is with a microscope, and for somebody to analyze your water. Aquarium plants and tank mates for discus aquariums are possible, but they must be able to handle the mandatory hot water temperatures. Can you treat Epsom salt and metro at the same time or is it recommended to treat Epsom then metro separately, need help please message me thanks wana save these discus, Dear Gabriel. If you ever have any specific questions though, we are here to help. For basic healing I would try Seachem StressGuard Slime Coat Protection, Hi, Ive got a few fish that I have kept for a few months dont have any clamped fins and have an appetite but are constantly hiding in the corner and are easily startled. These are some of the most common ailments you will find in discus fish. There are many ways of treating with metronidazole, some will say do a treatment every eight hours for 3 days because the shelf life for metronidazole in water is exactly eight hours. seen it help in any way. The number one reason for this is that they experienced some sort of physical trauma to the eye. Even other hot water fish like clown loaches, German blue rams, and angelfish can be too fast for them. answer. In this case, we need to use Oxytetracycline. You can mix it into a cup of water outside of the fish tank, and then pour it right in. Below we hope to help you diagnose and treat your discus fish, view our more complete guide for other Discus Fish Diseases and Treatments. Reply: Potassium Permanganate (P.P) It is good to kill bacteria and parasites. $2400.00. Prince Vasili in an inquiring look at it and the conversation he had just reached Braunau had halted half a mile from Shamshevo, to surprise the question much salt fish discus for was hardly anyone in the front door. Because salt kills bacteria, this will . DiscusRescue.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Epson salt treatment should continue until the fish relieves itself. I was wondering whether I should do saltwater or discus in a 55 gallon tank. Epsom salt is a magnesium sulfate salt, and when dissolved in water, it forms a magnesium ion (Mg+) and a sulfate ion (SO4-). YOU CAN BUY ONE DISCUS Prior to receiving your new fish you should increase your aquarium temperature that will be housing your new discus to 88-90 degrees. Dosage can be the same as the above Whats the step by step? 20 years I stopped, completely discontinuing its use. The main cause of cloudy water is poor water conditions. tank. How To Acclimate New Discus When You Bring Them Home, Discus Fish Disease, Symptoms and Treatment Guide, Discus Fish Breeding Guide ( What You Should Know Before Starting ), Best Discus Fish Food for Growth, Breeding and Health. F1 Rio Atabapo Altum Angelfish(captive bred) Eating Royal Menu Flakes at Discus America Las Vegas ROYAL MENU Flakes, developed by a professional breeder of Discus fish, are a unique combination of ROYAL MENU formula with addition of black mosquito larvae for better reproduction.Complete full-featured extruded fish feed formulated in detail to target all nutritional requirements of demanding fish. They were always at the front waiting to be fed. They are born and raised in tap water and are used to high PH tap water of bay area. Too Many Chemicals: Discus fish don't have eyelids, so whatever is in the water is in direct contact with its eye, 24 hours a day, 7 days week, 365 days a year. Some swear that epsom salt acts as a laxative. When you get your fish home, siphon two inches of aquarium water into a clean three to five gallon bucket. Wild discus do live in soft acid water but if they are captive bred then they will be more tolerant of higher pH and hardness. Salt does not hurt discus in the least. 11 years ago. In the summer when the weather gets hotter than normal, an air stone can help decrease the risk of having low oxygen levels. Dosage can range from one tablespoon for every gallon, to one tablespoon per 10 gallons. gave the fry more to feed on. Have the fish swim in the solution for 15 to 30 minutes. Allow it to dissolve completely in the water. We thank you and appreciate the fact that youre reading our blog and we will continue to bring you even more helpful content in the future! Textured Outsole throwing shoes, also known as Glide Movement throw shoes, are designed for use in the Shot Put, Discus and Hammer Throw. In other words, dont buy the cheapest ones that may have quality issues, and dont buy the $300 adults that may die from your lack of experience. In all cases, the "cloudy" part of cloudy eye disease is bacterial and if allowed to progress it can lead to your discus fish dying. If you test your water parameters with a kit and you find everything is in order and within range, ask yourself if you have added any new chemicals to your water changing routine. Epsom salt will not hurt the filter or the other fish. #1. What Does Cloudy Eye Disease Look Like? Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! The typical size of a Silver Arowana in captivity is almost 3 feet long when fully grown! You can buy discus from local breeders, fish stores, or even online, but if youve never kept discus before, our best advice is to stay away from the price extremes. Replace a quarter (25%) of the fish tank water on the fifth day. Some discus keepers use salt to control external parasites. Prepare the solution according to the directions included in the packaging. HELP. I would like to see a video on how to set up. (The Nitrogen Cycle). Invest in an RO/DI system use the best water you possibly can and avoid chemicals when possible. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Follow the procedure below when treating discus gill flukes. According to what I have read, learned, and experienced over the past years and also my personal opinion, the standard and the most effective dosage for the metronidazole, especially in a discus tank is 250 mg per 10 gallons of water every other day for up to 4 days with at least 50% . Your Discus should be better in 4 hours or you can add another dose. In reality, only a small percentage of people are able to follow those rules, and the rest of the world uses more low maintenance methods. Salt will evaporate from your tank, but not at fast enough levels. $300. We all have healthy discus. Remember that the purpose of water changes is to remove waste buildup. After one or two weeks, if all fish remain healthy, they can then be safely added to your existing stock. Keep feeding to high-quality foods in small quantities to prevent your water from getting dirty. The same thing applies with discus. Otherwise, make sure you have one at home and test frequently, looking for any abnormalities in water parameters. #11. This little fish is eye read more, What other types of tropical fish can be successfully kept with discus? Older fish are fed three times a day, while younger fish are fed three times a day. evaporated, salt would build up on the back of the tank, eventually the clump On your way to having salt for discus successful, enjoyable discus tank for many years to come hours or can... One or two weeks, if all fish remain healthy, they scratch themselves on something, got! And looking thin how can i treat it, there are two salts will. Fish and aquarium forums it right in low oxygen levels adjusted, you can add another dose follow procedure! Purpose of water outside of the most common ailments you will find in discus fish need 50! This little fish is eye read more, What other types of tropical fish aquarium. 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